Editorial Issue 258

Welcome to Issue 258 of Red All Over The Land.

Firstly if this Fanzine appears to be out of touch with how things are by the time you read it, it’s not my problem.  I tried to get FIFA to change the date of the World Club Cup but they threw me a deaf ‘un.  Does anybody actually understand the trials and tribulations of being a Fanzine Editor – does anybody actually care?  Thought not.  So, sorry but this had to wing it’s way to Mister Printer who’d decided he wanted to spend Christmas with his family and not printing a Fanzine.  So there you go, my excuses laid bare even though nobody cares.

A lot of things have happened in recent weeks and the news that Jürgen has signed a new contract shows the ambitions of the club.  Likewise, James Milner committing himself to Anfield for another couple of years makes sense.  There’s the ongoing talk about extending the Anfield Road Stand and the amalgamation of the training facilities, which will happen over the next year or so, can only help the club. When you think back to where our club was at the outset of the decade to where it is now – well its hard to believe.  Football club owners in the 21st century are often rightly viewed with suspicion but when FSG moved into Anfield I doubt any of us knew how lucky we would be.

At the time of typing the league tables doesn’t look too bad and we’ve moved on in Europe and a date with Atlético Madrid awaits.  It goes without saying the Atlético stadium will bring back fond memories.  It won’t be easy, but I hope we can add to them.  As expected the Under 23/Youth squad found Villa Park a bit too much.  As was mentioned in the last issue, the Football League showed nothing but contempt for their own competition.  There’s no point in saying anything else.

In Issue 256 I mentioned the racist events in Bulgaria but referred to the problems we have in England.  It seems now a weekend rarely goes by without a racist or homophobic incident being highlighted – and at all levels of the game.  The FA, who constantly condemn what happens in other counties, appear to sit idly by when it happens here.   It’s as if they daren’t admit we have problems in the game here but there are none so blind as those who will not see!

As Old Father Time prepares to hand over his duties, just reflect once more on where this football club now is.  The road ahead however, could be rocky, there’s more than a few tough nuts to crack.  We have a target on our back, we’re there to be shot at, it’s how the game is.  I doubt anyone within the club will be getting carried away even though we seem in a good place at the moment.  We have a manager and a team.  We have owners.  We have supporters.  We all want the same thing, we’re all pulling in the same direction.  Don’t let those who want to see us crumble get in the way.  As it says on the side of a bus, We are Liverpool, This Means More.

Happy New Year.

JJP The local vicar said Jesus saves.  I said yeah, but he’s no Alisson Becker  


Published by

John Pearman

Editor of the only remaining Liverpool fanzine, Red All Over The Land. On sale outside Anfield on match days. Started this Fanzine in 1995