Editorial Issue 272

Welcome to Issue 272 of Red All Over The Land.

Well, we now know the Champions Wall won’t be in need of an update come May.  The two games against Real Madrid were another stark reminder of how far we’ve fallen since the turn of the year.  However, I still look for crumbs of comfort so will hold off analysing the season until the last kick of a ball has taken place.  One thing is certain, if we want Champions League football next season we know what’s required but sadly, our fate at this moment is not in our own hands.  I had to get this Issue to the printers before the Leeds game so you will already know if the task is any easier or has just gotten harder.  It also went to the printers as the news of a European Super League resurfaced.  So that’s for the next Issue.

With just one more Issue of the Fanzine to come this season all the talk on the Covid front is of something more akin to normal ahead us.  So, Red All Over The Land looks to have survived the pandemic and that is simply down to everyone who is a part of it, mainly YOU.  Those who subscribe, along with those buy each Issue and all who contribute articles, plus Paul our printer, are the reasons we’ve come through and hopefully, next season, we can be back at Anfield selling copies.  However, I’m not kidding myself that things will be as they were because that will be down to those who govern the country and the game and I’ve no trust in either.

Obviously season tickets are a topical subject at the moment; but in fairness to the club they face a challenging situation where pleasing everyone won’t be easy.  Regardless of how it all goes we can be sure this will mark another change in how we go to what used to be a ‘game’ when all you needed was money in your pocket.  Turning up and just going into a ground changed with the advent of all-seater and all-ticket affairs.  Past loyalty looks to have been confined to the litter bin and the football fan is no longer what he or she used to be.  Those of us who used to take just ourselves and our pocket money to a game are in the dinosaur category.  The latest ‘New Age’ fan could need a Smartphone; ID, a Covid Passport and may even require to be tested when going into Anfield.  Rubbish?  Maybe, but I never thought going to a game would have so many obstacles to get over.  As for all those who travel from overseas to swell the coffers of the club shop, how will they cope?  Will they be allowed into the country let alone Anfield?  Who knows?  Covid has done more to destroy life as we knew it than some may think.

In recent weeks we’ve moved into new fields with our Red All Over YouTube and I thank Graham Mack for all his support because without Graham it wouldn’t have happened.  Hopefully, this will be the start of something different but we’re not trying to become one of the many Podcasts that have sprung up, this will be exactly what Red All Over The Land has been; it will be for the fans, by the fans and involving the fans.  We won’t be ripping anyone apart; we won’t be trying to give ‘advice’ to the manager, the owners or anyone else.  It will be about things that have happened, are happening and things we hope to see happen.  We will want our ‘guests’ to be Reds from around the world.  The next ‘show’ is intended for May 25th and maybe the date gives a clue to the topic?  It’s all free as well!  I will send the link out to as many people as I possibly can and by whatever means I can on the day we go ‘live’ on YouTube.


JJP  I Went For A Walk And Followed The Government Road Map.  I Got Lost


Published by

John Pearman

Editor of the only remaining Liverpool fanzine, Red All Over The Land. On sale outside Anfield on match days. Started this Fanzine in 1995