This was Hull; bit like hell but the fire and brimstone, plus a bucket full of fury came from our fans – and hopefully the manager. They say you don’t become a bad team overnight but we’re sure as hell looking like one at the moment. There’s no point in blaming one individual because it’s all down to the team and the Kaiser. We can all have our thoughts and our theories as to what’s gone wrong but they count for nothing because it’s down to the manager and his players to put things right. Unlike in some of the recent games this was just about our best line-up and it still never looked like getting us out of the hole we’ve somehow landed in. The incentive was there when Arsenal lost but it made little difference. After we’d beaten Manchester City Jürgen said Chelsea had won all those games in a row and we’re still breathing down their necks. Well that was then, they’re over the hills and out of sight now. Best find the drawing board I guess?