Project restart?
When I was at work each new project had to have a title and football seems no different. It’s a bit like the governments Brain Trust dreaming up Stay at Home before coming up with Stay Alert. Didn’t we have to Stay Alert when we were supposed to be Staying at Home?
Maybe the FA, The Premier League or probably both have set up a Think Tank, a committee to look at when football can, ahem restart? The problem is we read one solution to the problem one day and another solution to the problem the next before reverting back to the original solution or somebody coming up with a totally new solution to the problem. Confused? You are not alone.
One thing we should all know is when it comes to making a decision neither the FA nor The Premier League are very good. Despite re-naming, re-branding or reorganising the FA remain old buffoons stuck in a Time Warp they don’t want to get out of or can’t get out of. Like when they said earlier in the year they had to protect the traditional values of the FA Cup even though the traditional values of the FA Cup passed away many moons ago. The Premier League are a bit like some odd cult, they honour the Cash Cow and nothing should be allowed to get in the way. There are clubs they can bully and those they can’t and I believe Liverpool are part of the latter group. However, let’s go back to Project Restart.
Those involved have to come up with a solution which will satisfy everyone only that’s probably impossible. Null & Void the league as supported by those at the wrong end of the table and they fear the backlash from not just Liverpool but clubs such as Leicester, Manchester United and maybe Tottenham. So go for the order of merit sort of thing and we pop open the champagne that has spent so long on ice it’s almost morphed into a lollipop whilst Karren Brady wears an evil frown threatening everyone and everything with some curse she’d worked on whilst in limbo. Meanwhile Manchester United find they’re out of the Champions League again and Ed Woodward sees £ signs drifting away along the ship canal. Then UEFA are on the phone wanting to know what’s going on because they’ve money raking and money making European Cups to think about.
So, when all things are taken into consideration I have no idea when we will see football again, in fact if we will see football as we knew it again in the near future. Still good luck with Project Restart.